One more nudge was all that was needed for me to sit down and finally write another blog post. Having lost my camera charger towards the end of last year had put a halt to all my usual creative endeavours such as videos, blogs or my newsletter. After turning my cabin upside down and finally admitting defeat, I have ordered a replacement which has not yet arrived. There is a sense of loss every time I see something beautiful that I would love to capture and share with you. Taking photos with my outdated iPhone is not the same, but I have begun using it more and even appreciating it.
However last night as I lay in bed looking back on the day and remembering the friendly nudge from someone asking when I would write a new blog post, I realized that it is time to let go of the excuse and make do with what I have. And I have a lot of photographs in my library and I have a phone. Come to think of it, maybe it’s time to dig out my old camera again considering I located two of its chargers in my desperate search.

I don’t know about you, but I feel like I am still arriving in the New Year: 2022. There seems to be space at this beginning to allow myself to do just that. I welcome this space and the slower tempo. The snow keeps me tugged in deep in the woods and so far this winter we have had a lot of power outages. In fact the power is out right now. I am sitting here in full winter gear, but the sun is shining on me creating some warmth and enough delight to recharge my creative batteries.

Deciding to make all my Christmas presents this year I picked up many of my past hobbies like knitting, crocheting and yesterday I even started using my little rigid heddle loom after a long pause. What a joy! All my wool is spread out over the floor inviting me with its endless possibilities.

As I sort through the wool to see which I want to keep and which I will give away, I sense that I am sorting through layers of me to see which I want to keep and nurture and which are now time to let go. I am also combining knitting with weaving and crocheting with beading… trying new things and even creating some for sale to supplement my income. I deeply appreciate that I still remember many of the things I learnt as a child and honed over time and can now put to use again. And yet there is so much new to learn. I have to watch that I don’t get pulled into the amazing and also addictive online world which offers so much information and ideas.
One thing I really am grateful for is the discernment of what I spend my time on. It seems I am in a deep process of simplifying my life. And I have to say that I love it. Being without power and without water on and off for a quite a while now has let me to welcome this dark winter season in a much deeper way. I listen to the silence, I read, I journal, I speak to friends and clients, I get water at the well house or out of the ditch if it’s running. Noticing how my world and my mind is quieter I enjoy the simple task of washing dishes or sweeping the floor.

Maybe we are all heading towards a much simpler life, one that is more joyful as we choose with care what truly brings us that and learn contentment with less things but more love and real connection and a deep appreciation for nature and life.
Many blessings for this New Year to you! May it be filled with simplicity, joy, love, well-being and deep fulfillment!

Beautiful! I love the weaving! Thank you for the lovely sharing and amazing photos. xoxo
Thanks, Michelle! So happy to hear that.
It is so wonderful that you invite us to be your witness on this journey of sinking deeper into your pure being with each breath that forms words that ring so true to my ears.Thank you for being you.I feel honoured knowing you!
Thank you, dear Christine. Your words capture the essence of my writing and being. So grateful for you. Blessings & Love!
I found your blog uplifting as always.I resonate with all the slowing down.I must trust that momma will wake me gently.I’m enjoying the slowing and hibernating too.It’s no small thing to be loved by mother, mother earth,great creater.let our minds and heart be filled with love, sweet sweet love.This is my ambition for the New year.
What a beautiful intention for the New Year: to let our minds and hearts be filled with love. Thank you, dear Judy! I so appreciate you and your loving words.
Your photography is so stunning Elke, soulful, delightful, uplifting…
Thanks so much, Kelly! So happy you enjoyed it.